Electrifying.com Green Hero Awards 2022. How green is your next electric car? 

Here at Electrifying.com, we know that electric cars are brilliant at reducing local air pollution as they have no exhaust pipe pumping out harmful emissions. But we also know that the carbon footprint of a car starts when it is built, before the owner even sits in the driver’s seat for the first time. To help highlight the issue, Electrifying.com has assembled a panel of experts to assess, scrutinise and rate car manufacturers. Those who have a strong story to tell and are going above and beyond the legal requirements are being rewarded with a Green Hero award.

Electrifying.com’s experts believe this will become the subject of increased scrutiny by car buyers and government law makers as we try to reduce the impact of motoring on the environment.

Ginny Says

“Alll electric cars have zero tailpipe emissions, but the carbon footprint of an any car begins at its inception and our research shows that two thirds of consumers are concerned about the overall environmental impact of how their car was made. Our Green Hero award will help the increasing number of car buyers looking for clarity in this area.”

Along with Electrifying.com’s founder Ginny Buckley and editor-in-chief Tom Barnard, the panel consists of Vice Chairman and CEO of Switch Mobility Andy Palmer, UK Future Mobility Lead at Ernst & Young Charlie Simpson and Associate Professor and Engineer at Birmingham City University Laura Leyland.

The first of the new consumer friendly Green Hero awards will honour both Nissan and BMW, who the panel said showed true commitment to reducing the environmental impact of cars at every life stage - from production, through use and eventually in disposal.

We will continue to assess companies as they launch new cars and initiatives so we can recognise the Green Heroes who are making electric cars more sustainable. To judge the awards, every manufacturer currently offering electric cars in the UK was asked to provide details of:

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